Exploring Coron: Getting There

February 2011The phone rings.  "Seat Sale! Coron! Game?", says the person on the other end of the line.   "Yes!".. and it's done.  

File leave, check!
Get a tour package, check!
    Now we're all set... for September that is.

Finally, September 2011
Bags are packed, and we're off. 

Excitedly awaiting the announcement to board the flight, our smiles faded upon hearing the announcement of it being on hold due to weather conditions. Fingers crossed, prayers said..another announcement came up, it was time to board.

On-board Cebu Pacific, it was a rather hot flight due to what they claimed was an air-condition problem.  Beyond that, it was a smooth 1-hour flight to Busuanga.    

Busuanga airport is small and simple.  No conveyor belt for checked-in bags, but hey, we're not here for the airport... What really matters is, we've stepped foot in Coron. :)


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