Bucket List

Everyone should have a bucket list - The things one hopes to (has to) do in this lifetime.

Here's mine in no particular order...

1. Swim with the dolphins
2. Look down to a "sea of clouds"...from Mt. Pulag [Done! Jan 2012.. :)]
3. Watch Fireflies at night [Done! Oct 2011.. :)]
4. Bungee Jump in Macau
5. Sky Dive
6. Explore Angkor Wat [Done! Nov 2011.. :)]
7. Visit Petra
8. Light-up and let-fly a Lantern [inspired by Tangled. :) ]
9. Make a difference to a person's life
10.Swing on a flying trapeze
11.Dance on stage
12.Trek Mt. Pinatubo and swim in its crater
13.Street dance at Dinagyang
14.Take a Jump shot at the Great Wall of China
15.Go to San Francisco to meet up with a timeless vivacious character.
16.Witness the beauty of Waitomo Cave, New Zealand
17.Capture the magnificence of the Aurora Borealis

I'm pretty sure this list will get longer as time goes by.  I hope the check marks appear in tune with the growing list.